In most cases if you are experiencing any lag or performance issues it will due to your internet connection.

We recommend that you check your connection by opening up another web page such as google or run an internet speed test. If you get a result like the image below you have no internet connection

A continuous spinning disk as shown in the image below is another indication of poor internet connection. If you see this you should refrain from entering anymore data until your internet connection is restored.

Other factors which may cause lag in your service:

  • Your computer may be doing an update
  • Your computer may be doing a virus scan
  • You may have many applications open

All of these can affect your processors efficiency. If none of the above factors apply it may be your device/ computer. In this case clearing your internet history and browser cache can help or even restarting your compuer or device.

On rare occasions when there is a disruption to the service, either for planned maintenance or due to matters beyond our control, we will put an announcement across our social media channels.